Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Lukah 3 1/2 months

Weighing in on Tuesday at Baby Clinic, she surprised everyone with gaining ten ounces in the last seven days. The meter read 12lbs. 12ounces.
Wow, BIg Girl! She gained nine ounces the week before, growing and chewing/licking anything she can reach and grab.

We all went to the coast last week. Luminessah taught a workshop in the morning, and performed in the evening. During the afternoon, we had a picnic on the beach in Florence.
Windy but sunny, temp. in the mid fifties. We had a great time. Lukah slept later before the evening show, and then woke up right before her Mama and Luminessah appeared on stage. She even gave a shout during the second quieter song, watching them dance with a smile on her face.
She is stronger and bigger every time she wakes up from a nap, and in the mornings she smiles, laughs, farts, and flails her arms and kicks her feet, happy and ready for another day...