Wednesday, July 15, 2009

How the time flies!!!'s been almost 4 months since we wrote on this blog. Now Lukah is 7 months old, eating yummy mushy foods, getting close to crawling and sprouting little new teeth. She's been to the California Redwoods, camping and swimming near Crater Lake, hiking to Hobbit Beach and up Spencer's Butte. She has fuzzy peachy hair and expressive deep brown eyes. It seems like she grows bigger and taller after every nap!
In two weeks we move to Minnesota and start a whole new life with our family and the Big Lake. What a journey that will be! What a journey it has already been. Let's let the pictures do the talking for now! Will try to update this more often!


Lissa said...

Such a little cutie! I love the pic with the apple! Counting down the days...

Lissa said...

Time for a blog update kiddos! ;)