Friday, June 27, 2008

looking like a baby home!

I was so excited to find this used eco-sling that I had to try it out on Onyx. I'm sure the baby will be able to fit into it very well!

The perfect nursing glider. We found this at a Goodwill when mom was here. I recovered the cushions from some material Lisa gave me. The blanket was made by KC's great-grandma Susan for our wedding. She is actually here in OR for a family reunion, along with KC's grandparents and cousins, and she made a little baby blanket! How special that our baby has a blanket made by his/her great-great-grandmother!!

The crib is beautiful and we can't stop gazing at it! What a gift!! The baby picture is me. Mom brought a bunch of my old baby stuff out when she was visiting.

Creative Bursts

A collage I did on a TV tray using old calenders from Sundance. Center art by Alex Grey.

I feel like a new person since the transition into the second trimester. More than anything I want to be at home creating art. I've been reading "Birthing from Within" which goes by the philosophy that the best way to prepare for your birth is to discover what you are holding within, whether it is fear and anxioties, your perceptions of pregnancy and labor or whatever is in there waiting to come out.
So I've been drawing and collaging, making candles and driftwood art to sell at the Saturday Market, working on dance costumes, and writing a lot. The more ways in which I can document this amazing transition in our lives the better. The only problem is not having enough time! I'm working 5 days a week at Sundance and saturdays at the market (when I get a booth space), as well as dancing full-time!! KC is working 3 different jobs at the moment, so he never has extra time!! We realize the importance of staying connected thru this time, so we need to work on making time together too.
Slowly I will have to step back here and there to make more time for reflection. Because the baby's growth sure isn't going to slow down!

All dressed up for a friend's art showing, May 30th. I was 14 1/2 weeks here...just barely showing!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

picture pages

Belly shadow on the beach (12 weeks)

getting some beach time in Bodega Bay, CA on a dance trip

KC in front of the Hazelwood House Kindergarten he's teaching at, 3 blocks from our house

Grammy Linda's visit in May, Luminessah performed down in Roseburg

Friday, June 6, 2008

Stories of Birth

So far, above anything else I've read or heard about being pregnant, it is the stories I find most inspiring and empowering. Facts and statistics can be daunting, and sometimes all the information out there is overwhelming. But I feel just hearing a woman's own story, from her perspective, can give me all the tools I need for my own birth. It's a web that connects us all as one.
We each have a story to tell, so I am encouraging YOU to add your own story to the collection. I would love to hear your birth stories, to read for inspiration and strength when I am going to need it most in my whole life. If you have not given birth, perhaps investigate the story of your own birth! If you are a papa, or have witnessed a birth, feel free to share your experience as a birth attendant. It will be a great way to revisit one of the most magikal moments we experience as human beings.
If you are so inspired to do so, please feel free to send your story to me. You can email me at
Thanks in advance.