Monday, July 14, 2008

babys first pictures!!!!

What an amazing process! We got to see all the major internal organs, the strong beating heart and crazy looking spine, the brain, kidneys and bladder. The baby was moving around a lot and could be seen kicking away, though I haven't felt it much. Also as an added bonus, baby got the hiccups while we were watching. The nurse was careful not to reveal any gender, so it's still a lovely surprise. All looked very healthy and right on par with growth rate and due date.

The nurse had quite a time getting the baby to face the image. Here you can see the face with the arm around it, and the knees folded up on the bottom. The lighter image under the baby's arm is my placenta, and the image between the arm and knees is the umbilical cord!!

Here's a view of the leg and foot. The baby's head is actuallly down near my cervix and the feet are on the left upper side of my tummy, which explains why I've felt a little lopsided lately!


Alyce said...


Lissa said...
