Friday, February 13, 2009

The Birthing Center needs your help!

Birth Center in 1923!

The Nurse Midwifery Birth Center where we had our Lukah is in danger of not recieving funds to relocate. The hospital in Eugene has relocated, and the birth center needs to be near it, so they too need to relocate. But now the hospital is threatening to cut out the funds that were reserved for that move. We need to let them know how essential it is to keep the birth center going!

Please check out the birth center blog to sign their petition, contribute money, or to simply educate yourself on the situation so you too can spread the word!

We also have a link on our blog site to them.

Check out the video they posted as a way to get support. There are a few pictures of Lukah in it! It's a beautiful video with one of my favorite songs!

I know that being able to have Lukah at the birth center made all the difference in the world to us. We felt so welcome and supported the whole time, and still do, attending the weekly well-baby clinic and visiting with other mamas.

If we had Lukah at the hospital, I would have had to have a C-Section since I labored for over 24 hours past my water breaking. I would have had to stay there for 3-4 days as well. How different the birth would have been for me...instead of empowered, perhaps I would have felt defeated. Not that having a C-Section means defeat at all, but I knew I could do it on my own, and because of the support of papa, my labor team and midwife, I did have her naturally, on our own time, and in the comfortable homey atmosphere of the birth center.

Please check out the blog and offer as much support as you can. The time is dire for them!


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