Friday, June 27, 2008

looking like a baby home!

I was so excited to find this used eco-sling that I had to try it out on Onyx. I'm sure the baby will be able to fit into it very well!

The perfect nursing glider. We found this at a Goodwill when mom was here. I recovered the cushions from some material Lisa gave me. The blanket was made by KC's great-grandma Susan for our wedding. She is actually here in OR for a family reunion, along with KC's grandparents and cousins, and she made a little baby blanket! How special that our baby has a blanket made by his/her great-great-grandmother!!

The crib is beautiful and we can't stop gazing at it! What a gift!! The baby picture is me. Mom brought a bunch of my old baby stuff out when she was visiting.

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