Sunday, November 30, 2008

Still waiting...

Ahhh...yes, the waiting game continues. I'm thankful for the quiet, the extra time, the peacefulness, the long sleeps, the pre-labor contractions. All in purpose to ready the mind and body for the journey to come.
I am painting my earth mother painting I have been visualizing this whole time. Feels so good to have hours to devote to creative projects. And everyday I am enjoying them like they may be the last (for awhile at least).
The functional preparations are nearly complete. I can honestly say we are ready when the baby is ready. Tomarrow is the 'official' due date as determined by my doctor, and the 2nd is the due date as given by the midwifery center. If the baby is still whithin after that, we shall implement the age-old techiniques we've been hearing all about:
pressure points, massage and nipple stimulation, walking, dancing, lovemaking and riding mechanical bulls.
Grammy Linda will be here a week from Tuesday already! I am so excited to be surrounded by so many loved ones, whether in spirit or physical form. We already feel so much love.
So...I'm betting the next blog will feature the newest member of our family.
Stay tuned my friends!!!
much love, blissful blessings
Not-so-Little Mama LeeLee

1 comment:

Lissa said...

don't forget spicy food! can't wait to hear the news that your little bun is out of the oven! sending lots of love your way.